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Is Laser Liposuction Safe After the Age of 40?

By: Dr. Matthew Adam Graham


For many people, their 40s are a decade of change. Around this age, most men and women begin to notice the early signs of aging, like loose skin, facial wrinkles, and stubborn body fat. While cosmetic surgery is certainly an option for restoring a more youthful look, some patients prefer a more convenient and less invasive solution – like laser liposuction for stubborn fat – but have questions about if they may already be “too old” for a minimally invasive procedure.

At Wellspring Medical Spa & Aesthetics in Thomasville, GA, Dr. Matthew Adam Graham believes that patients deserve to look and feel their absolute best at every age and is proud to offer laser liposuction plus fat transfer to qualifying patients ages 18 and up. Here, we’ll discuss when may be a good time to consider laser liposuction and what to expect with laser lipo after age 40.

What is laser liposuction?

Most of us know at least a little something about liposuction, but this may be the first time you’re hearing about laser liposuction. Laser lipo serves the same primary purpose as traditional liposuction, the removal of stubborn, diet- and exercise-resistant fat. What sets the two procedures apart is that laser liposuction uses laser energy to heat and dislodge the fat cells, making them much easier to remove and resulting in less post-treatment swelling and bruising. Additionally, laser lipo can be performed with local anesthesia only, cutting down on costs, risks, and recovery time compared to traditional lipo.

At Wellspring Medical Spa & Aesthetics, Dr. Graham takes laser liposuction one step further by utilizing the revolutionary Accent Prime™ system. With Accent Prime, patients can undergo laser liposuction with fat transfer in a single, swift step. Not only that, but Accent Prime laser lipo plus fat transfer offers more reliable results due to its advanced technology, which separates and isolates only the most viable fat cells for transfer.

What’s the best age for laser lipo?

Technically speaking, there’s no right or wrong age for Accent Prime laser lipo with fat transfer. Ideal candidates for Accent Prime should be:

  • In good health
  • Non-smoking
  • Have stubborn fat that is resistant to diet and exercise
  • Desire a more convenient alternative to traditional liposuction
  • Have good remaining skin elasticity

Can I get Accent Prime after age 40?

Absolutely! Accent Prime is safe and appropriate for healthy patients over 40 years of age who are at or near their goal weight but wish to reduce problematic areas of stubborn fat. One consideration for older patients considering laser liposuction (or traditional liposuction) is the elasticity of their skin. Most patients in their 40s have good remaining skin elasticity that will allow the skin to “snap back” to their newly slimmed contour after treatment, but some men and women may have fairly significant skin laxity due to weight loss or another factor. For these patients, fat removal alone may not produce their desired result. Oftentimes, a combination of fat removal and surgical skin excision is necessary to correct this issue. During your initial consultation for laser lipo with fat transfer, Dr. Graham will thoroughly assess your skin elasticity, areas of stubborn fat, and overall health to determine if you may qualify for this exciting procedure.

It's never too late to love your look with laser lipo in Thomasville, GA

While you may feel like turning 40 was marked with unwanted physical changes, you don’t have to live with them. Regain your confidence and restore your slim, youthful figure once again with Accent Prime laser liposuction. Learn more about the remarkable transformations that may be possible for you with Accent Prime in Thomasville, GA by calling Wellspring Medical Spa & Aesthetics to schedule your private consultation with experienced Dr. Matthew Adam Graham today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.